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Each year students in grades 3 - 8 and 11 take the California State Assessments known as Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. For the 2020 - 2021 school year, the Federal and California State Boards of Education have granted flexibility to districts to determine if this is the best assessment to give students to gather data on how our students are progressing. The flexibility allows district to either give the SBAC assessments or give local assessments.Â
Based on this flexibility, CNUSD has determined that is best for us to administer local assessments to our students. All grade 11 students will take their local assessments in ELA and MATH via FastBridge.
After the students have completed the assessments, families will receive a student score report on their progress. /Literacy and Mathematics. For the 2020 - 2021 school year, the Federal and California State Boards of Education have granted flexibility to districts to determine if this is the best assessment to give students to gather data on how our students are progressing. The flexibility allows district to either give the SBAC assessments or give local assessments.
IN PERSON: MAY 17th - MAY 21st
In person students - You will be taking the ELA and MATH Assessments in your Language Arts class. Your teacher will give you the specific day for each of the assessments.
VIRTUAL: MAY 18th & 19th
Virtual Students - You will be taking the ELA and MATH Assessments on May 18th beginning at 8:30 am. Each student will need to log into our testing zoom meeting, log into their MyCNUSD account, and complete their assessments.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 @ 8:30am
Juniors will test aREADING and mySAEBRS with their 1st period virtual teacher.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 8:30am
Junior will test aMath with their 2nd period virtual teacher

Students Testing from home will need to be on the zoom with the camera on during their assessment. This is to preserve the integrity of the assessment. We recognize the power of working in groups, but for now, we want to see what you know on your own so that we can best target your individual needs in support of your academic success. For more information, click here.

How Do I Access My Test?
Step 1
Log in to MyCNUSD using the following link

Step 2
Student Username = 6-digit Student ID# (NOT your full email address)
Step 3
Choose the 9th-12th grade band to access Illuminate

Step 4
Select Illuminate to access your student portal

Step 5
Select Continue To Portal to access Illuminate’s
Student Portal

Step 6
Once in the portal you will click on FastBridge Learning

Step 7
Please follow the instructions from your teacher as to which assessment to take

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