The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the mandated state test for determining English language proficiency (ELP). It must be given to students whose primary language is one other than English. California and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in grades K - 12. Students designated as English Language Learners will take the ELPAC annually.Â
For the Spring 2021 Administration, CNUSD is able to provide families the option to take the ELPAC assessment in person following county safety measures, or remotely from their home.
Students electing to test in person will be given a scheduled date and time to complete their ELPAC testing.
If you have any questions, or would like to schedule your ELPAC test, please click here.
The computer-based assessment option has been made available to address parent and guardian concerns or health agency restrictions. Because it is necessary to monitor students online during remote test administration, students must take the ELPAC assessment using the Secure Browser provided by the State. The secure browser should already be on any LEA-supplied device. If students are using a personal device (PC, Mac, Chrome), a student may download the secure browser found HERE
Students will take the test from the safety of their homes. The test administrator or examiner will connect with each child by computer. To make sure that each student receives the most accurate score, we are providing the following guidelines for student testing:
If your student is using a personal device, they must use the Secure Browser provided by the State (See Below)
You may assist your student with setting up the technology used to enter the test session.
To ensure an accurate measure of proficiency, students and parents may not discuss the questions on the test or any materials for the test with anyone before, during, or after the test.
No one may record the test, or use a camera or another device to take pictures of the test questions or of your student taking the test. This helps to keep the questions confidential and maintains the integrity of the assessment.
We are required to verify that the test is being completed by your student without any help. To verify compliance, a web camera and microphone will be used to observe your student while taking the test. The camera is only used to observe your student and their surroundings during the test and will not record the session. We recommend your student take their assessment in a quiet area that is free from distractions.
The secure browser is a program on a student’s device—for example, a desktop PC, laptop, or tablet—that allows a student to take the CAASPP and ELPAC. It is the typical application students and teachers have used for testing in prior years.
When the secure browser is running, it is the only program allowed to be open on the device. Recent enhancements to the secure browser have been made, allowing for communication and video monitoring within the system to accommodate remote testing.
On CNUSD provided devices - the Secure Browser has already been added to the device. Students are encouraged to 're-start' their chromebooks to ensure they have the latest software updates.
FOR TESTING - Students will need to shut down their devices, or restart them - BUT DO NOT LOG IN.
At the opening screen, students will need to click on the bottom left 'tray' and select "APPS". Then students will select "Secure TestBrowser" where they will be able to enter their NAME, SSID#, and the Session ID to access the ELPAC Assessments.

We suggest that all students watch this video prior to taking your ELPAC assessment. The video will walk you through everything you will need in order to log in and navigate through your test.
QUE ESPERAR: Sugerimos que todos los estudiantes vean este video antes de tomar su evaluación ELPAC. El video lo guiará a través de todo lo que necesitará para iniciar sesión y navegar a través de su prueba.
As students sign into the test it is important to remember that you will only need to enter your FIRST NAME (not full name).
Students will also need their SSID# in order to get started. Your SSID# can be found on your Student Connect page.
Your SSID# should be at the top, next to your CNUSD ID#
If you are unable to find your SSID#, your test administrator can find it for you.