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Having Trouble Logging In?

There are several areas where students will have to log in - Student Connect, Microsoft, Google Classroom, Edgenuity - it can get a little confusing at times.  Some of these platforms require your full email, and some only need your CNUSD student ID.  If you've tried everything, and still can't log in, fill out the form below and we will re-set your password for you.  See below for  instructions on resetting your password.
Password Forgot.png
You can get your password reset by hitting the button and letting us know you need it.  You message MUST include your name and your JFK ID# for us to be able to help.  You will get a reply within 24 hrs (excluding weekends) with a temporary password.  See below for instructions on creating a new password.
Logging In CNUSD.png


Students who request their passwords to be reset will receive an email that includes their default password.  ALL student default password are the first letter of the first name (capitalized), the first letter of last name (lower case), and the date of birth with no zeroes at the beginning of the month and the day and the full four digit year. (EX: Johnny Rodriguez = Jr412004).

Students will need to login to first to set their new password.  You may be asked to enter your student number and your 'old password' - which is your default password.  New passwords must meet the following criteria:
• 10-16 LETTERS
• NO FIRST/LAST NAMES (or initials)
• NO ID#

Kennedy Middle College - 1951 Third St.   Norco, Ca. 92860.     (951) 738-2200

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