The transition to online learning is an adjustment to both the students and the parents. As our greatest partner in education, here are a few things that our Parents can do to help support the learning in the home.
Parents can help to support the learning experience
Guide the student through the lessons as needed.
Discuss the concepts being taught.
Assist with interactive tools and games.
Oversee assignments.
Help facilitate hands-on learning that may be in the course.
Check for understanding of assignments.
Keep the student on schedule.
Ensure all components of the course are being done with fidelity (independent reading, novel studies, practice activities, etc.)
Communicate with the teacher as needed.
The learning environment can set the tone for student success
A shared family space so that you are accessible to check-in, monitor progress, and assist/support.
A Quiet-Study/Learning Zone: Family agreement that the space is a “learning” space and learning expectations apply (non-distracting from peers, outside noise, avoid a student’s bedroom, etc.)
A quiet location for joining class Zooms
Headphones can be a helpful tool to remove distractions
Have resources/materials accessible (i.e. markers, paper, rulers, etc.) for your student to be successful with their activities. Plan ahead and review due dates to have materials ready.
Proper desk/table and ergonomic seating that allows your student to be comfortable when learning.
Desk/Seating near a power sources in case of a low battery
Begin & End each day with a check in
Start and finish each day with a simple check-in with your student
Look at grade level assignment calendars together to review anything that is due in Edgenuity or Google Classroom
Check in with their virtual learning platforms (Edgenuity/Google Classroom) to find any updates for the day.
Review if any of their teachers have office hours that day and write questions down together that may need to be answered.
Finally have a discussion and ask
What are you learning today?
What are the learning goals?
How will you spend your time? (consider setting a schedule that can be easily followed by your student)
What resources do you require?
How can I help?
Please note: This brief conversation matters. It allows student to process the instructions they’ve received from their teachers. It helps them organize and set priorities. Parents should establish these check-ins at regular times each day and possibly even write down a schedule for the day with further check-in times.
Establishing expectations & routines are key to successful learning
Establish the habit of checking communications from LMS at the start of each day
Review schedule for each day with student.
Just as cellphones are kept in backpacks at school, you might also keep cellphones away at home until assignments are completed (or use as a social break after a certain number of assignments are completed).
Maintain regular sleep routines and wake times.
Be sure your device is plugged in and charging at the end of each day.
Encourage student exercise and activity throughout the day
Make sure your student remember to move and exercise.
Plan regular opportunities to get up and move around
Support the social aspects of learning
Remote/Virtual learning opportunities may include collaborative group assignments/projects. Monitor these for/with your student as online social interaction will enhance the experience for your student.
If the teacher offers an “office hour” try to join in, as this can be an opportunity for peer-to-peer feedback, group discussions, sharing ideas, etc.
In addition to the “check-ins,” regularly engage with your student about what they’re learning throughout the day. Completing lessons with your student is one way this can be accomplished.
Support students with responsible use of technology​
When completing work online, joining video calls and/or participating in virtual discussions, students should be sure to:
Use respectful behavior and language.
Stick to appropriate topic discussions.
Send only appropriate video transmissions.
Use only appropriate icon, emoji, and avatar submissions.
Wear school appropriate clothing if attending meetings via video.
Be honest and use academic integrity by not plagiarizing or copying others’ work
Not falsify information about oneself or impersonate others online.
Monitor your student’s social media use, especially during an extended campus closure. Older students will rely more on social media to communicate with friends. Social media apps such as TikTok,, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Facebook are not official, school-sanctioned channels of communication.